Summer school – How do Global Teleconnections Impact on Climate?
Organized by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the GOTHAM Summer School (18th-22nd September 2017) will train young scientists on a unique combination of interdisciplinary scientific topics and tools relevant for understanding teleconnections and their role in causing extreme weather events. Professor Wallom and Dr Sparrow will be training attendees on data management skills along with how to use CPDN within their scientific experiments.
Teleconnections are defined by the American Meteorological Society as “a linkage between weather changes occurring in widely separated regions of the globe”. GOTHAM is a new project involving CPDN, that aims to identify the relative impact of different teleconnections (remote drivers) on regional climate and extreme weather events.
The school, this year themed on Global Teleconnections in the Earth’s Climate System – Processes, Modelling and Advanced Analysis Methods, comprises lectures as well as tutorial sessions by some of the world’s leading experts in this field.
Specific topics include:
• Global consequences of extreme El Niños
• Mid-latitude weather extremes and their drivers
• Stratosphere dynamics
• South and East Asian monsoon systems.
• Interactions between global teleconnection patterns
• Data management skills
• New methods of teleconnections identification.
The Summer School is intended to host 25 young researchers working in relevant topical areas, both from GOTHAM partners and external institutes.
Application processes to be announced soon at the official website of the Summer School.
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