Podcasts & Audio
Voice of America: Climate Change in East Africa
March 2015
Speaker: Sarah O’Keefe
ACE-Africa researcher Sarah O’Keefe was interviewed for a news item on climate change in East Africa for Voice of America during a recent conference on climate change in the region.
- Listen to the entire Africa News Tonight from March 2nd 2015.
- Read the related news article here:
Scientists Urge East Africa Get Ready for Global Warming.
ABC Radio, The Science Show: Citizen science – at home or out and about
May 2014
Speaker: David Karoly
You don’t need a PhD to get involved in real, creditable science projects. There are many ways you can play a useful role. You can get out there in the forest or desert, or in the water to monitor, count and measure, or sit back at home and let your computer run models. Chris Gillies from Earthwatch Australia and Professor David Karoly each describe their citizen science projects.
BBC Radio 4, Inside Science
March 2014
Speakers: Professor Myles Allen & Dr Nathalie Schaller
The recent extreme rainfall has left many asking, is this weather linked to climate change? A new project ‘weather@home’ 2014, aims to use a large citizen science experiment to answer this question. Myles Allen, Professor of Geosystems Science at the School of Geography and the Environment, and Dr Nathalie Schaller, both of Oxford University, explain that they aim to run two sets of weather simulations. One will represent conditions and “possible weather” in the winter 2014, and the second will represent the weather in a “world that might have been” if human behaviour had not changed the composition of the atmosphere through greenhouse gas emissions. By comparing the numbers of extreme rainfall events in the two ensembles, ‘Weather@Home’ will work out if the risk of a wet winter has increased, decreased or been unaffected by human influence on climate.
Oxford University Podcasts
The following podcasts are all available through the Oxford University Podcast website.
Masters of Nature? – The physics of trying to control the climate
June 2013
Speaker: Richard Miller
The Earth’s climate is changing; but what are we doing about it? The frustration felt all around the world at the inability to agree a meaningful deal on global carbon dioxide emission leaves people looking for alternatives.
Do we have the ability to manipulate our planet’s climate to prevent the effects of global warming? If so how? What would be the consequences of attempting to do so? Understanding the physics of the Earth’s climate is essential to answering these questions. Using the state-of-the-art computing power we are improving our knowledge of how the Earth works and of what any attempts to manipulate our climate would mean for the world we live in today…
Who’s to Blame for the Weather?
April 2013
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
Professor Allen of the Oxford University Environmental Change Institute discusses one of the most pressing issues of the modern day – Climate Change.
Climate change and two concepts of liberty
May 2012
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
The final lecture in the series entitled Climate Connections was presented by Dr Myles Allen who currently heads the Climate Dynamics Group in the Department of Physics, University of Oxford.
Dr. Allen’s latest research addresses the question of how scientific evidence can best be used to inform climate policy. His work has shown that limiting cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide may be a more robust approach to climate change mitigation policy than attempting to define a ‘safe’ stabilization level for atmospheric greenhouse gases.
The People’s Planet: Reconnecting climate science, climate policy and reality
November 2011
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
Myles Allen (Professor of Geosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics) delivers his inaugural lecture on 28 Nov 2011.
Climate and Weather: The Ends of Acts of God?
September 2011
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
Professor Myles Allen explains how research at Oxford allows us to quantify just how much climate change caused by past emissions is costing individuals, corporations and potentially entire countries.
What will it take to avoid 2, 3 and 4+ degrees?
September 2009
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
Second presentation of session 9 (Avoiding large climate changes 1) of the 4 Degrees international climate conference: What will it take to avoid 2, 3 and 4+ degrees? The importance of cumulative emissions.
Wildfire in a 4 degrees plus world
September 2009
Speaker: David Karoly
First presentation of session six (Vulnerable people and places 2) of the 4 Degrees international climate conference.
Interview on the Chris Evans Radio Show
December 2008
Speaker: Professor Myles Allen
Discussion on Seasonal attribution project