Monthly Archives: June 2014
Two New Post-Doc Vacancies with the Project
Posted on 10th June 2014
As part of our new collaboration project with Climate Central, we are now advertising for two new post-docs to join our project in Oxford.
New Project with Climate Central: World Weather Attribution
Posted on 10th June 2014
We are pleased to announce that we are starting a new collaborative project with Climate Central that aims to demonstrate the feasibility of near real-time attribution studies for extreme weather events around the world.
Possible server issues in June
Posted on 10th June 2014
We are undertaking maintenance work on the Virtual Machine server infrastructure at Oxford e-Research Centre. Our servers will be ‘at risk’ on Monday – Thursday for the next three weeks:
Research Job: Changing Risks of Droughts, Water Scarcity and Heatwaves Using Ensemble Climate Modelling
Posted on 5th June 2014
Deadline: Thursday 10 July 2014
The Environmental Change Institute (ECI) is leading a major research project “MaRIUS: Managing the Risks, Impacts and Uncertainties of droughts and water Scarcity” within the UK Droughts on Water Scarcity Programme.
Applications for this vacancy are to be made online.